Norwegian version of this page

Report anonymously or as an external

As a whistleblower, you have the opportunity to act anonymously. These routines apply mainly for anyone with an employee relationship to UIA, as well as students.

However, UiA also want external individuals to report serious wrongdoing.

Report anonoymously/as an external (you may provide contact info)

Anonymous warnings are very difficult to relate to, so thorough grounds must be given for critical allegations made.

Be aware that anonymous accusations directed at staff members will seldom lead to good case handling and steps taken. UIA will, in most cases, need to know who you are in order to follow up the case in a justifiable manner which takes care of the rights of both parties.

The wish to remain anonymous will be treated as a separate case. The whistleblower’s identity will nevertheless not be made known to more people than absolutely necessary for further case handling.

For students

As a whistleblower, you have the opportunity to act anonymously. The employee representative or STA can convey the contents of the report on your behalf. The recipient is obligated to take all reports seriously.

For staff

As a whistleblower, you have the opportunity to act anonymously. The health and safety representative, employee representative, or a lawyer can convey the contents of a report on behalf of the staff. The employer is obligated to take all reports seriously.

A party in the case yourself?

In conflict and harassment cases where the whistleblower is him/herself a party in the case in question, anonymity cannot be requested. The background here is the contradiction principle, which means that the individual that the report accuses shall have the opportunity to familiarise him/herself with the information that the other party has put forward. Without this, the accused will not have the opportunity to defend him/herself fully. 

Published Apr. 17, 2024 - Last modified May 13, 2024