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Innovation services for employees

Are you curious about the potential impact of your research? 

Have you made a discovery or had an idea related to your research which you think could become a valuable product, a service or make a difference to society?

Get in touch with UiA Nyskaping, and we will be happy to assist you!

We can help you with:

Social innovation

Social innovation involves the development of new solutions where the impact to society is considered more important than commercial results. When working with social innovation, UiA Nyskaping can assist with:

  • Clarifying potential use cases, user interest and possible models for sustainable operation,
  • Clarifying relevant choices for further research and development,
  • Mapping intellectual property rights and securing them when appropriate,
  • Establishing contact with potential user groups and partners in the public sector and among non-profit organisations

Rights clarification

UiA Nyskaping assists with clarifying how the rights to your innovation are distributed, and writes agreements for the transfer of rights where applicable.

Norwegian law and UiA's policy for intellectual property rights provide guidelines for who owns the rights to an innovation created by employees. If the innovation is created in collaboration with other research institutions, existing collaboration agreements can also provide guidelines for rights distribution.

Employees at UiA are required to report inventions to the university. We encourage you to report all ideas and innovations that can be useful as a product or service. If you report early, it is easier for us to give you swift and thorough help.

The notification form can be found below.

Funding for innovation projects

UiA Nyskaping can, together with the administration at your faculty, help with securing external funding for innovation projects.

Commercialization funding from the Research Council of Norway

We assist with applying to the Research Council of Norway for support for qualification projects (up to NOK 500,000) or verification projects (up to NOK 5 million).

Read more about the Research Council of Norway's commercialization funding


UiA Nyskaping can assist you in successfully commercializing your research. Commercialisation refers to applying research results to create a product or a service that the market is interested in. If your project has commercial potential, UiA Nyskaping can assist with:

  • Clarifying potential use cases, market potential and business models,
  • Clarifying relevant choices for further research, technology development and/or strategy,
  • Mapping intellectual property rights and securing them when appropriate, for example through a patent application,
  • Establishing contact with potential investors, industry partners, customers and users.

Impact guidance

When applying for external funding, a sound plan for achieving impact is essential for your application's success. UiA Nyskaping can help you map and clarify the potential impact of your research. We tailor our services to your needs, and can provide both oral and written advice, attend meetings and organize workshops.


UiA Nyskaping provides various workshops where we can use interactive tools to help you identify the impact of your research, develop new concepts for products or services, or further develop an idea you already have

Notify us of you innovation:

Contact persons for employee innovation

Picture of Kristina Maria Walker-Nordlöf
Senior innovation adviser and team coordinator
+47 38 14 15 95
Picture of Thomas Aamodt
Innovation adviser
+47 38 14 14 44
Picture of Jim Kenneth Finstad
Senior adviser, lawyer
+47 38 14 24 01