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Application form

The applications will be considered by the Metochi reference group. Available periods will be allotted consecutively. We look forward to warmly welcoming both individuals and groups!

The season lasts from late April to late October.

Apply here

The main criteria are based on the purpose of Metochi. Applications with a course content that is included in the fields mentioned in the purpose will be given priority. The allotment is mainly based on academic/content-related criteria, but in the case of multiple equally relevant applications, applications submitted internally from the University of Agder will be given priority. Group size, financing opportunities and feasibility will also be emphasized.

In addition the following criteria will be considered: The academic level of the course content, yearly/regular courses, contribution to reaching the purpose of Metochi, network building in Greece and in Norway and courses of relatively high repute.

All applicants will receive a written response after the allotment. Applicants who are alotted a period will receive a contract with information about conditions for cancellations and payment of the deposit. Metochi can receive individuals, small and large groups.

For groups that do not wish to share with another group in a week with several applicants, the minimum number of participants is 30, or the price of 30 participants will have to be paid. The maximum number of participants is 50.

Published July 2, 2024 - Last modified July 2, 2024