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Basis course in university pedagogy (English course)

The course in university pedagogy at UiA aims to develop, supplement and adjust the existing educational expertise of university staff.


Participants will acquire knowledge and new skills in the planning, implementation and assessment of teaching and supervising students.

The course is designed based on national guidelines for university pedagogical basic competence (UHR)

Three uniped courses are offered during the period, two in Norwegian and one in English. The courses are structurally identical and have the same course description.

Register now!

Registration deadline: August 15th 2025.

Who can participate?

The course has 25 places available to participants. New employees and those with teaching or supervision as part of their work at UiA during the coming academic year will be prioritised.

Course dates

  • 25. - 26.11 2024 (week 48)
  • 21. - 22.01 2025 (week 4)
  • 03. - 04.03 2025 (week 10)
  • 03. - 04.04 2025 (week 14)
  • 05. - 06.05 2025 (week 19)


  • Teaching and the role of the teacher
  • IT in teaching
  • Teaching quality in higher education
  • Communication
  • Supervision
  • Active learning forms for students  
  • The connection between teaching, learning, and assessment

Course structure

  • Work with different teaching forms such as lectures, group work, workshops and peer guidance
  • Video recordings of teaching
  • Discussions
  • Presentations, short developmental projects, and portfolio submissions
  • Portfolio submissions of your own contributions

Study requirements

In order to pass this course, we require that you attend all the sessions. 150 hours will/must be recorded on each individual work plan. 

Participants must also take part in peer observation and guidance of teaching, as well as submitting four practical and theoretical portfolio submissions. This work will be started in the course of the sessions.


The course aims to further develop, supplement and adjust the existing educational expertise of university staff. Participants will acquire knowledge and new skills in the planning, implementation and assessment of teaching and supervising students.

After completing the course, the participant will be able to:

  • describe and explain how students learn and how one can facilitate students’ learning
  • evaluate and apply different methods in order to increase the quality of education evident in his/her teaching
  • use different teaching forms and reflect over how these can contribute to improved learning outcomes
  • plan and implement good teaching sequences
  • be able to set into motion relevant examination types and reflect on the consequences these might have for the students’ learning
  • describe and evaluate how to strengthen your own teaching skills and guide colleagues in their teaching and supervision work
  • use different strategies for supervisions in differing supervision situations
  • use digital tools in teaching and be able to facilitate flexible teaching 


UiA PULS cover course expenses related to accommodation and dining. Travel expenses to and from the various course locations must be covered by the individual, possibly by their own department.


Picture of John Olav Glastad Bjørnestad
Head of Departement
+47 38 14 18 30
Published Apr. 21, 2024 10:49 AM - Last modified Apr. 22, 2024 3:01 PM