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Booking and availability

Employees and students at UiA can book all facilities free of charge, as long as the research/teaching is affiliated with UiA.

Guided tours of the i4Health building are free and available to everyone, but must be arranged in advance

Picture of Elisabeth Giil
Booking coordinator
+47 37 23 31 89

Step 1

Check the calendar to see if the facilities are available during the desired period. This is done through TP timetable. Under "rooms," scroll down to "special rooms" and select the relevant lab.

Check TP timetable

Step 2

Complete the booking form. You will receive a confirmation by email once the booking is approved.

Booking form


Guided tour of i4Health Show room

Tours are free and available to everyone but must be arranged in advance. Currently, the Centre for e-health and USHT Agder (east) are responsible for all tours. A tour involves showing you around and discussing/demonstrating the various products in the Show room. Please fill in the booking form, and we will be in touch. 


External parties


External parties wishing to book facilities at the i4Health building for testing, simulation, etc. are kindly requested to contact the board of i4Health AS, through Ann Camilla Schulze-Krogh, for further information.


i4Health AS, a wholly-owned subsidiary of UiA, previously handled contacts with the business community. Since the fall of 2023, this company has been undergoing reorganization, exploring new ways to organize activities in the i4Health building




Published Apr. 5, 2024 - Last modified June 28, 2024