Norwegian version of this page

About the centre

The Centre for Coastal Research (CCR) is an international and interdisciplinary academic institution hosted by the University of Agder. CCR focuses on the ecology and evolution of the biota in the marine coastal zone within a broad societal context.

Within Norway, CCR collaborates with:

  • The University of Oslo
  • The Institute of Marine Research (IMR)
  • GRID-Arendal
  • The Norwegian Institute of Water Research (NIVA)
  • The regional county and its municipalities

Our mission

The overall goal of CCR is to represent a platform for

  • Strengthening the quality of education at UiA
  • Performing basic curiosity-driven science on marine biology in Coastal Skagerrak, also to support priorities within the collaborating institutions.

Our Vision

The research activities of CCR are primarily, albeit not exclusively, focused on the Skagerrak and neighboring marine waters, most of which are surrounded by a major fraction of the Scandinavian population. These seas provide a unique "natural laboratory" to assess the effects of human and environmental impact on coastal living resources. Although the centre fosters primarily long-term, discovery-oriented research, applied and innovative activities and programmes are encouraged.


Picture of Halvor Knutsen
Leader of CCR
+47 38 14 26 47
Picture of Marte Sodeland
Head of Administration
+47 38 14 26 79
Senior advisor
+47 38 14 26 65

See all members

The Steering Group

  • Nils Chr. Stenseth, UiO, Chair of the steering group
  • Tove M. Gabrielsen, UiA/UNIS, Deputy chair of the steering group
  • Halvor Knutsen, IMR/UiA, Leader of CCR
  • Hans Kjetil Lysgård, UiA
  • Vikas Thakur, UiA
  • Elna Svege, UiA
  • Even Moland, IMR/UiA
  • Paul Ragnar Berg, NIVA
  • Torill Sateroy, GRID Arendal
  • Johanna B. Marcussen, Phd representative
  • Andrea Noche,  Phd representative (observer)
  • Marte Sodeland, UiA (secretariate)
  • Thomas Chr. Kiland-Langeland, County Governor of Agder/UiA (secretariate)
Published Mar. 27, 2024 - Last modified June 19, 2024