
Our images will strengthen UiA's brand by telling about knowledge, research, innovation, student life and other important aspects of the university. We strive for images that promote cooperation and community, where people are always shown together.

Bildet kan inneholde: yttertøy, ansikt, smil, hud, yttertøy.

Privacy in photos

As a rule, you must obtain written permission from everyone who appears in the photos.

  1. Start by obtaining consent from people. Feel free to use a PC or tablet on location.
  2. If you do not find a desired occasion for the context in which the photo/video will be/has been taken, you can create the occasion yourself

Image bank

Bildet kan inneholde: fotografi, produkt, oransje, font, skjermdump.

With our image bank Skyfish, we give you access to high-quality images that are GDPR-approved. Skyfish is owned by Danish Colourbox. If you create an account there, we give you easy access.

Open press images from UiA

No access to Skyfish? 

  1. Register in Colourbox
  2. Send email to Saara Ojanen and ask for access
  3. You will gain access to Skyfish in a few days

Log in to the image bank Skyfish