Norwegian version of this page

Logo architecture and hierarchy

In some cases, it will be necessary to provide more information about the sender. Principles have therefore been established which define how the UiA logo and names of services, initiatives or units should be reproduced.

Roles and study programmes

The UiA logo can appear alongside roles, support functions, events, studies and centres, but should not become part of the main logo. 

  • Names should be written in Acumin Bold.
  • Names should be in lowercase.
  • The UiA logo is used to show ownership.
  • The distance between text and logo must always be the width of the icon as a minimum.
  • The UiA logo and the name of the role, event or support function must not appear as a single unified logo.

Collaboration projects

UiA is a partner in several research projects and centres, together with other universities and businesses.

Such projects have their own logos.

  • UiA is represented as a partner on an equal footing with the other businesses.
  • Use a UiA logo, as far as possible in the correct colour.


Published June 11, 2024 - Last modified July 9, 2024