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University Board

An elected Rector and a permanently employed Director are responsible for the day-to-day operations of the University of Agder. The University Board is the highest body of the university, with a majority of its members elected by the staff and the students and a minority of external members who are appointed by the Ministry of Education and Research.

Contact person:

Picture of Elin Gauslaa
+47 38 14 10 99

The University Board has a special responsibility for strategy development and the financial situation of the institution, and has appointed sub-committees which deal with selected issues on the authority of the board. The Academic Affairs committee, the Learning Environment committee, the Research Committee, the Academic Appointments committee and the Non-academic Appointments committee are all examples of such sub-committees. The Appeals committee has also been appointed by the board, but enjoys an independent position in accordance with the regulations of the Act of Universities and University Colleges. The committee is to discuss and decide in matters concerning appeals of individual decisions and other appeals from the students.

Go to case documents and minutes (in Norwegian)

Members of the board 1 August 2023 - 31 July 2027

  • Sunniva Whittaker, rector and chair
  • Gro Reneé Rambø, professor (elected by permanent teaching and research staff)
  • Ronald Mayora Synnes, associate professor (elected by permanent teaching and research staff)
  • Thomas Eikeland Fiskå, adviser (elected by administrative staff members)
  • Elin Maria Berg, doctoral research fellow (elected by temporary teaching and research staff)
  • Marie Winge Nørvåg (elected by the students)
  • Thor Eivind Forberg (elected by the students)
  • Sigrun Gjerløw Aasland, ZERO (external members appointed by the Ministry of Education and Research)
  • Geir Bergskaug, Sparebanken Sør (external members appointed by the Ministry of Education and Research)
  • Ole Falk Hansen, NEKKAR (external members appointed by the Ministry of Education and Research)
  • Trine Schultz, professor Aalborg University (external members appointed by the Ministry of Education and Research)


Hans Kjetil Lysgård, prorector

For academic faculty members

Professor Frøydis Nordgård Vik
Associate Professor Tormod Wallem Anundsen

For temporary employees in education and research positions

Doctoral research fellow Eva Mari Andreassen

For technical/administrative staff

  1. Seniror Adviser Geir Øyvind Kløkstad
  2. Adviser Silje Hammerstad Grimsli

For the students

  1. Cecilie Helen Askland
  2. Lars Magnus Halvorsen

External alternates

  1. Tore Myhre, NHO
  2. Nina Mevold, SSHF
Published May 16, 2024 - Last modified May 16, 2024