Norwegian version of this page

Academic Affairs Committee

The university’s Academic Affairs Committee is the University Board’s advisory and executive committee in matters pertaining to education at bachelor and master degree levels. 

Meetings and documents

For meetings and documents, please see the Norwegian version of the page (documents in Norwegian only).

The committee shall initiate strategic development work and contribute to the discussion of educational issues at various levels of the organisation.

The Academic Affairs Committee includes the Vice-Rector for Education, who chairs the committee, the Vice-Rector for External Relations and Innovation (deputy chair), one representative from each faculty and the Teacher Education Unit, one representative for employees in technical-administrative position and three student representatives.

Permanent observers with the right to speak are the Pro-Rector for Research and Interdisciplinary Projects and the leader of UiA PULS - Centre for Learning and Teaching.

The Director of Academic Affairs is secretary of the committee.

Contact person:

Picture of Anne Marie Sundberg
Senior Adviser
+47 38 14 10 18
Published May 21, 2024 - Last modified May 21, 2024