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9I251 ( Universitetsveien 19, Kristiansand )

Øystein Tønnessen is an Industrial PhD Research Fellow in Management at the School of Business and Law, University of Agder (UiA), and an Advisor in Egde Consulting. His reseqrch interests include creativity, innovation, remote work, hybrid work, coworking spaces, digitalization and digital interaction. He holds a Master´s degree in Public Administration from UiA with a thesis on organisational culture and change management in NRK and DR. Additionally, he holds a Bachelor´s degree in Business Administration from UiA as well as a Cand.mag. degree from the Norwegian Academy of Music and University of Oslo. As an entrepreneur and project manager, he has been involved in companies within the conference and event sector as well as the coworking industry. 

Research interests

Creativity, employee creativity, creative performance, and innovation.
Remote work, work from home and hybrid work
Coworking spaces, and corporate coworking.
Organizational culture and creative climate.
Digitalization and digital interaction.
Knowledge sharing, social interaction and serendipity.

Work experience

Industrial PhD, Egde Consulting and UiA
Adviser, Egde Consulting
Project Manager, CoWorx
General Manager and Founder, Progress Conference & Event
Freelance pianist 

Academic interests

Creativity, employee creativity, creative performance, innovation, innovative processes, knowledge management, knowledge sharing, organization of work, new work practices, remote work, flexible work, working from home, coworking spaces, social interaction, networks, digitalization, management

Scientific publications

  • Tønnessen, Øystein (2024). «Hvordan påvirkes kreativitet og innovasjon av å jobbe remote?».
  • Tønnessen, Øystein (2024). «Kaffepraten viktig på jobb».
  • Tønnessen, Øystein (2024). Ingen teknologi kan erstatte kaffepausen.
  • Tønnessen, Øystein (2024). Ingen teknologi kan erstatte kaffepausen.
  • Tønnessen, Øystein (2024). Doktorgrad om kreativitet på hjemmekontor.
  • Tønnessen, Øystein (2024). Kreativitet: Teknologi kan ikke erstatte kaffepraten med kollegaene.
  • Tønnessen, Øystein (2024). Fordeler og ulemper med hjemmekontor.
  • Tønnessen, Øystein (2023). Disputerte på strålende vis.

Last changed: 28.09.2023 14:09