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Mugula Chris Safari

Assistant Professor

C5137 ( Jon Lilletuns vei 9, Grimstad )

Mugula Chris Safari is a registered learning disability nurse (2014) and has a master's degree in public health science (2016) from the University of Agder. Safari has previously worked with the work inclusion of people with intellectual disability and was a PhD-student at the University of Agder at the Department of Psychosocial Health in Grimstad from September 2019 to August 2023. Safari has a PhD (2023) in health and sports science from UiA.

Research interests

Participatory design/Codesign 

User involvement in design of technology

Virtual realty 


InnArbeid - For more information visit: https://innarbeid.uia.no/ 

Selected publications

Thygesen, E., Safari, M C., and Wass, S. (2021). Transport og arbeidsinkludering.  In Gjertsen, H, Melbø, L. og Hauge, H. (red). Arbeidsinkludering for personer med utviklingshemming (Work inclusion for people with intellectual disability).

Scientific publications

  • Melby, Kristian Leonard; Sætra, Mette K Ragnhildstveit; Safari, Mugula Chris; Bachke, Carl Christian (2024). «Dette skremmer meg litt, og jeg tror det blir utfordrende»: En tematisk innholdsanalyse av studentskrevne logger fra første praksisperiode i vernepleierstudiet. UNIPED. ISSN: 1500-4538. 47 (1). s 74 - 88. doi:https://doi.org/10.18261/uniped.47.1.7.
  • Safari, Mugula Chris; Wass, Sofie; Thygesen, Elin (2023). Digital technology design activities—A means for promoting the digital inclusion of young adults with intellectual disabilities. British Journal of Learning Disabilities. ISSN: 1354-4187. 51 (2). s 238 - 249. doi:10.1111/bld.12521.
  • Safari, Mugula Chris; Wass, Sofie; Thygesen, Elin; Haugland, Silje (2023). Intellectual Disability, Digital Technologies, And Independent Transportation – A Scoping Review. Proceedings of the 56thAnnual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences. ISBN: 978-0-9981331-6-4. HICSS Conference Office. Smart and Connected Cities and Communities. s 1983 - 1992.
  • Safari, Mugula Chris; Wass, Sofie; Thygesen, Elin (2022). Motivation of people with intellectual disabilities in technology design activities: the role of autonomy, competence, and relatedness. Behaviour and Information Technology. ISSN: 0144-929X. s 1 - 19. doi:10.1080/0144929X.2021.2015442.
  • Sætra, Mette K Ragnhildstveit; Melby, Kristian Leonard; Safari, Mugula Chris; Bachke, Carl Christian (2022). «Vi gjorde hverandre gode, men det dabbet av og stoppet opp»: Vernepleierstudenters erfaringer med loggskriving og gruppeveiledning. NORDVEI: Nordisk tidsskrift i veiledningspedagogikk. ISSN: 2535-3047. 7doi:10.15845/ntvp.v7i1.3413.
  • Wass, Sofie; Safari, Mugula Chris; Haugland, Silje; Omland, Hans Olav (2021). Transitions from school to sheltered employment in Norway – Experiences of people with intellectual disabilities. British Journal of Learning Disabilities. ISSN: 1354-4187. 49 (3). s 373 - 382. doi:10.1111/bld.12414.
  • Thygesen, Elin; Safari, Mugula Chris; Wass, Sofie (2021). Transport og arbeidsinkludering. Arbeidsinkludering for personer med utviklingshemming. ISBN: 978-82-15-04692-1. Universitetsforlaget. Kapittel 8. s 117 - 126.
  • Safari, Mugula Chris; Wass, Sofie; Thygesen, Elin (2021). ‘I Got To Answer the Way I Wanted To’: Intellectual Disabilities and Participation in Technology Design Activities. Scandinavian Journal of Disability Research. ISSN: 1501-7419. 23 (1). s 192 - 203. doi:10.16993/sjdr.798.
  • Wass, Sofie; Hansen, Lise Amy; Safari, Mugula Chris (2020). Designing Transport Supporting Services Together with Users with Intellectual Disabilities. Designing for Digital Transformation. Co-Creating Services with Citizens and Industry. ISBN: 978-3-030-64822-0. Springer Nature. Konferanseartikkel. s 56 - 67.
  • Wass, Sofie; Safari, Mugula Chris (2020). Photovoice—Towards Engaging and Empowering People with Intellectual Disabilities in Innovation. Life. ISSN: 2075-1729. 10 (272). s 1 - 11. doi:10.3390/life10110272.
  • Safari, Mugula Chris (2023). VR-baserte scenarier i vernepleierutdanningen.
  • Safari, Mugula Chris; Wass, Sofie (2023). VR-based Scenarios in Education.
  • Safari, Mugula Chris (2023). Intellectual disability and participation in technology design activities: A catalyst for social inclusion.
  • Safari, Mugula Chris (2023). Intellectual Disability, Digital Technologies, And Independent Transportation A Scoping Review Presentation.
  • Safari, Mugula Chris (2022). Med eller ikke – hva så? Erfaringer med å delta i design av teknologi.

Last changed: 28.02.2024 09:02