FAB workshop UiA

The aim of this workshop is to disseminate the initial findings of the Fitness, Ageing and Bilingualism project (FAB) and to hear from experts in relevant fields.

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The aim of this workshop is to disseminate the initial findings of the Fitness, Ageing and Bilingualism project (FAB, NFR 30030) and to hear from experts in relevant fields. The focus of the FAB project was the effect of age on language and cognitive abilities. We investigated two factors that might reduce decline in these abilities in older adults: speaking a second language and regular exercise. Although there is evidence that both help with cognitive functioning, very little research has looked at their effects on language function in healthy ageing. Language function in ageing is especially important for bilinguals who, even when young, can have slower and less fluent speech than monolinguals. We therefore compared cognitive and linguistic functioning in young and older English monolinguals (UK) and Norwegian-English bilinguals (Norway) to determine the effects of being bilingual and ageing. We also ran a physical activity intervention with the older adults in both countries, who took part in a 26-week exercise program after which they were re-tested for language and cognitive function. We measured detailed changes in fitness for all older participants as well as changes in brain structure and function for the older monolinguals. Our aim was to determine the benefits associated with increased fitness for mono- and bilinguals.

More information and the full program can be found here


Bilde av Linda Ruth Wheeldon
+47 38 14 14 84


Publisert 15. mai 2024 08:55 - Sist endret 15. mai 2024 08:59