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Bjørn-Tore Flåten

Institutt for strategi og ledelse
+47 38142312
Kontor 9I261 (Universitetsveien 19, 4630 Kristiansand, Norway)


Bjørn-Tore Flåten is an Associate Professor at the University of Agder (UiA), Norway. He holds a PhD in International Management from UiA and a MSc in Economics and Business Administration from NHH Norwegian School of Economics. Prior to joining UiA he served as a unit manager in a major Norwegian non-profit organization where he held responsibilities for personnel and training and for managing international educational tours for groups of 150 people involving cross-cultural exchanges. He is also an experienced consultant with a record of managing projects involving organizational structure and design, change, re-structuring, and building of compensation and evaluation schemes in different industries.

His research interests revolve around strategic management of knowledge work and entrepreneurship, with a particular focus on knowledge sharing and Internet-enabled collaboration within and beyond the boundaries of the firm. Flåten has contributed with book chapters to research-focused edited books, as well as published in journals such as Technological Forecasting and Social Change, Information and Organization, Journal of e-Business, Journal of Design Thinking and the European Journal of International Management. 

Flåten is responsible for the entrepreneurship activities in the “FORTHEM” alliance (https://www.forthem-alliance.eu), which is a network of nine multidisciplinary public research universities with a strong regional anchoring in Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Latvia, Norway, Poland, Romania and Spain. Additionally, he is participating in the MEUR 2.2 Horizon project,  “BlueRev” (https://www.bluerevproject.eu), which is aiming at revitalizing local communities in Europe with innovative bio-based businesses, governance models and social innovations focused on the blue bio-based sector. 

Currently, Flåten is serving as the Head of Department of Management and as the Vice Dean for the School of Business and Law. Flåten is also heading the university’s Centre for Entrepreneurship , where he seeks to expand and promote an entrepreneurial mindset. Through the centers programs, students are trained on how to run their own business from the inception of an idea through its implementation.  Through the center, Flåten has also launched UiA Innovation and UiA CoLAB, who’s objective is commercialization of research and co-creation. Hence, a student incubator was launched at the university in 2017 and the Norwegian Research Council granted close to NOK 5 mill in support through the FORNY 2020 program for promoting innovation based on research through a partnership between UiA Innovation and  Innoventus Sør AS. 



Faglige interesser

Strategic management of knowledge work; Innovation and Entrepreneurship; Knowledge sharing; Internet-enabled collaboration


Courses taught by Flåten:


  • Mahsa, Samsami; Tønnessen, Øystein & Flåten, Bjørn-Tore (2023). Entrepreneurial orientation confronting disruption: embedded in networks in Iran and Norway during the COVID-19 pandemic. European Journal of International Management. ISSN 1751-6757. 21(2), s. 192–219. doi: 10.1504/EJIM.2023.133427.
  • Tønnessen, Øystein & Flåten, Bjørn-Tore (2023). Work from home and collective creativity: Exploring the experiences of IT professionals. Cogent Business & Management. ISSN 2331-1975. 10(3), s. 1–21. doi: 10.1080/23311975.2023.2262219. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Mahsa, Samsami; Tønnessen, Øystein & Flåten, Bjørn-Tore (2022). Entrepreneurial orientation confronting disruption: Embedded in networks of enterprises in Iran and Norway during the COVID-19 pandemic. European Journal of International Management. ISSN 1751-6757. doi: 10.1504/EJIM.2022.10048400.
  • Lahtinen, Paivikki & Flåten, Bjørn-Tore (2022). Curricula: Enhancing Creativity in Education, Fostering Creativity in Digital Group Work: A Handbook for Individuals, Educators and Professionals . Jacobs University. ISSN 9783756513055. doi: 10.13140/RG.2.2.25524.32643.
  • Tønnessen, Øystein; Dhir, Amandeep & Flåten, Bjørn-Tore (2021). Digital knowledge sharing and creative performance: Work from home during the COVID-19 pandemic. Technological Forecasting and Social Change. ISSN 0040-1625. 170. doi: 10.1016/j.techfore.2021.120866. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Lattemann, Christoph; Arntsen, Erik; Flåten, Bjørn-Tore; Fürst, Neele; Holen, Jannicke & Cappelen, Birgitta (2020). Is There a Proper Way to Teach Design Thinking? Empirical Evidence from Design Thinking in Education. Journal of Design Thinking (JDT). ISSN 2645-3304. 1(1), s. 35–48. doi: 10.22059/jdt.2020.76035. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Shneor, Rotem; Flåten, Bjørn-Tore & Zhao, Liang (2020). The Future of Crowdfunding Research and Practice. I Shneor, Rotem; Zhao, Liang & Flåten, Bjørn-Tore (Red.), Advances in Crowdfunding: Research and Practice. Palgrave Macmillan. ISSN 978-3-030-46309-0. s. 499–519. doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-46309-0_21. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Shneor, Rotem & Flåten, Bjørn-Tore (2020). Crowdfunding Education: Objectives, Content, Pedagogy, and Assessment. I Shneor, Rotem; Zhao, Liang & Flåten, Bjørn-Tore (Red.), Advances in Crowdfunding: Research and Practice. Palgrave Macmillan. ISSN 978-3-030-46309-0. s. 475–497. doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-46309-0_20. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Shneor, Rotem; Zhao, Liang & Flåten, Bjørn-Tore (2020). Introduction: From Fundamentals to Advances in Crowdfunding Research and Practice. I Shneor, Rotem; Zhao, Liang & Flåten, Bjørn-Tore (Red.), Advances in Crowdfunding: Research and Practice. Palgrave Macmillan. ISSN 978-3-030-46309-0. s. 1–18. doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-46309-0_1. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Kidwell, Donna Kay; Flåten, Bjørn-Tore; Arntsen, Erik & Lindquister, Berit (2017). The Pop-up Campus: A Unique Learning Experience that Brings Business and Design Students Together to Solve Complex Collaborative Challenges. EDULEARN Proceedings. ISSN 2340-1125. s. 4330–4333. doi: 10.21125/edulearn.2017.1931.
  • Shneor, Rotem & Flåten, Bjørn-Tore (2015). Opportunities for Entrepreneurial Development and Growth through Online Communities, Collaboration and Value Creating and Co-creating Activities. I Kaufmann, Hans & Shams, Riad (Red.), Entrepreneurial Challenges in the 21st Century: Creating Stakeholder Value Co-Creation. Palgrave Macmillan. ISSN 9781137479747. s. 178–199. doi: 10.1057/9781137479761_11.
  • Flåten, Bjørn-Tore; Isaksen, Arne & Karlsen, James Tommy (2015). Competitive firms in thin regions in Norway: The importance of workplace learning. Norsk Geografisk Tidsskrift. ISSN 0029-1951. 69(2), s. 102–111. doi: 10.1080/00291951.2015.1016875.
  • Teigland, Robin; Di Gangi, Paul; Flåten, Bjørn-Tore; Giovacchini, Elia & Pastorino, Nicolas (2014). Balancing on a tightrope: Managing the boundaries of a firm-sponsored OSS community and its impact on innovation and absorptive capacity. Information and organization. ISSN 1471-7727. 24(1), s. 25–47. doi: 10.1016/j.infoandorg.2014.01.001.
  • Flåten, Bjørn-Tore (2013). Do Organizational Boundaries Still Matter? I Holbek, Jonny; Kristiansen, S & Randøy, Trond (Red.), Management for Progress. Novus Forlag. ISSN 978-82-7099-734-3. s. 269–286.
  • Shneor, Rotem & Flåten, Bjørn-Tore (2012). Grunnprinsipper innen elektronisk forretningsdrift for entreprenørskap, Perspektiver på Entreprenørskap. Cappelen Damm Akademisk. ISSN 978-82-7634-956-6. s. 128–145.
  • Flåten, Bjørn-Tore & Hansen, Jens Ørding (2009). Virtual Worlds and Learning in Multinational Corporations, Skriftserien nr 149. Universitetet i Agder. s. 61–71.
  • Shneor, Rotem & Flåten, Bjørn-Tore (2008). The Internet-enabled internationalization process: A focus on stages and sequences. The E-Business Review. ISSN 1550-7793. 8, s. 243–248.
  • Flåten, Bjørn-Tore & Shneor, Rotem (2008). Strategic e-HR: Matching e-Business Value Drivers and HR Management Tasks, Evolution and Revolution in the Global Knowledge Economy: Enhancing Innovation and Competitiveness Worldwide. Global Business and Technology Association. s. 328–339.

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Se alle arbeider i Cristin

  • Tønnessen, Øystein & Flåten, Bjørn-Tore (2024). Hjemmekontor kan drepe kreativiteten. Digi.no.
  • Flåten, Bjørn-Tore (2024). Unlocking Sustainable Business Model Innovations in the Blue Bio-based Industry in Greenland.
  • Baah-Peprah, Prince; Anokye Nyarko, Samuel; Naatu, Felicia & Flåten, Bjørn-Tore (2024). Electronic taxation, trust in government, and the adoption of fintech: The case of mobile money in Ghana.
  • Flåten, Bjørn-Tore (2024). Unlocking Sustainable Business Model Innovations in the Blue Bio-based Industry in Denmark.
  • Flåten, Bjørn-Tore (2024). Hemmere og fremmere for innovasjon i offentlig sektor.
  • Flåten, Bjørn-Tore (2024). Strategi - meningsfulle veivalg ved universiteter?
  • Tønnessen, Øystein & Flåten, Bjørn-Tore (2023). Creative Processes in a Hybrid Work Environment: A Case Study.
  • Flåten, Bjørn-Tore (2023). Har vi verktøyene for å utdanne fremtidens jobbskapere?
  • Flåten, Bjørn-Tore (2023). Green Start-up Support.
  • Lahtinen, Paivikki & Flåten, Bjørn-Tore (2022). Fostering creativity in education.
  • Tønnessen, Øystein & Flåten, Bjørn-Tore (2022). Ideas from mixed interaction: A case study of employee creativity in hybrid work settings.
  • Flåten, Bjørn-Tore (2021). Entreprenørskapskultur blant studenter: Kan entreprenørskap læres?
  • Flåten, Bjørn-Tore (2021). Entreprenørskapskultur og iverksetting blant studenter.
  • Tønnessen, Øystein; Flåten, Bjørn-Tore & Bøch, Jøran (2020). Kronikk: Ni av ti tror måten de jobber på endres for godt nå. [Avis]. Dagens næringsliv.
  • Flåten, Bjørn-Tore & Øyna, Stine (2020). Nytt gründer-studium på Sørlandet. [Radio]. NRK radio.
  • Flåten, Bjørn-Tore (2018). Kan entreprenørskap læres?
  • Flåten, Bjørn-Tore (2018). Samskaping av kunnskap.
  • Damsgaard, Eirik; Flåten, Bjørn-Tore & Richardsen, Marte Stine (2018). Innovasjon og nyskaping ved universiteter. [Radio]. NRK.
  • Randøy, Trond & Flåten, Bjørn-Tore (2016). Kommer vi til å se noe helt nytt som ingen har tenkt på før? [Avis]. Fædrelandsvennen.
  • Flåten, Bjørn-Tore & Edland Linnebo, Odd-Jone (2016). UiA Nyskaping.
  • Flåten, Bjørn-Tore (2016). Kommersialisering av forskningsresultater - UiA Nyskaping.
  • Flåten, Bjørn-Tore (2016). Instituttlederen - "dritten i midten"?
  • Flåten, Bjørn-Tore (2016). Studiepoeng for praksis.
  • Karlsen, James Tommy; Pinheiro, Romulo ; Zyzak, Barbara; Flåten, Bjørn-Tore & Isaksen, Arne (2013). Kunnskap og innovasjon i Agder. I Wallevik, Kristin & Jørgensen, Geir (Red.), Krise, omstilling og vekst: en regionanalyse av Sørlandet. Agderforskning. ISSN 978-82-7602-210-0. s. 97–115.
  • Galhena, Bandula Lanka & Flåten, Bjørn-Tore (2013). Antecedents and Outcomes of Organizational e-HRM Adoption.
  • Flåten, Bjørn-Tore; Isaksen, Arne & Karlsen, James Tommy (2013). Global Competetive Firms in “Thin Regions”: The Importance of Knowledge Use.
  • Tunca, Burak; Troye, Sigurd Villads & Flåten, Bjørn-Tore (2013). Brand Connections in Children’s Self and Peer Descriptions: Findings From Norway.
  • Frølunde, Lisbeth; Flåten, Bjørn-Tore & Teigland, Robin (2012). Leveraging the 3D Internet for Entrepreneurial Practices: Opportunities for Co-creation.
  • Di Gangi, Paul; Flåten, Bjørn-Tore; Teigland, Robin & Giovacchini, Elia (2011). Exploring the Organization-User Relationship in Private-Collective Knowledge Communities.
  • Lisbeth, Frølunde & Flåten, Bjørn-Tore (2011). Leveraging The Affordances Of The Emerging 3d Internet For Entrepreneurial ”Next Practices”: Selected Case Studies From The Nordic Creative Industries.
  • Flåten, Bjørn-Tore (2011). Value Creation through the Firm or the Community? New forms of Collaboration.
  • Di Gangi, Paul; Teigland, Robin; Flåten, Bjørn-Tore & Giovacchini, Elia (2011). Are we in this together? Exploring private-collective knowledge communities.
  • Falkenberg, Joyce; Flåten, Bjørn-Tore & Teigland, Robin (2009). Rethinking the boundaries of the firm: The open/closed paradox.
  • Flåten, Bjørn-Tore (2009). Internet-enabled Collaboration: The Problem Solving Lens.
  • Falkenberg, Joyce; Flåten, Bjørn-Tore & Teigland, Robin (2009). Open Sourcing: Enhancing the Resource Based View of the Firm.
  • Falkenberg, Joyce; Flåten, Bjørn-Tore & Teigland, Robin (2009). Open Sourcing: Enhancing the Resource Based View of the Firm.
  • Shneor, Rotem & Flåten, Bjørn-Tore (2008). Stages and Sequences of the Internet-enabled Internationalization Process.
  • Flåten, Bjørn-Tore (2008). Promoting Knowledge Transfer through Human Resource Management in MNCs.
  • Flåten, Bjørn-Tore & Shneor, Rotem (2008). Strategic e-HR: Matching e-Business Value Drivers and HR Management Tasks.
  • Flåten, Bjørn-Tore & Shneor, Rotem (2008). The Role of Social Interaction in Cross-Border Tacit Knowledge Transfer: An Integrative Model.
  • Shneor, Rotem & Flåten, Bjørn-Tore (2008). Internet-enabled Internationalization: A Focus on Stages and Sequences.
  • Shneor, Rotem & Flåten, Bjørn-Tore (2007). Dynamic capabilities: Mitigating contractual hazards in different institutional environments.
  • Flåten, Bjørn-Tore (2007). Knowledge transfer in multinational corporations facilitated by human resource practices.
  • Tønnessen, Øystein & Flåten, Bjørn-Tore (2023). Creativity in Remote and Hybrid Work Environments. Universitetet i Agder.
  • Flåten, Bjørn-Tore (2011). Problem Solving in Extended Virtual Teams. Universitetet i Agder. ISSN 978-82-7117-687-7.

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Publisert 16. apr. 2024 12:05 - Sist endret 7. mai 2024 09:39